FE LLC "DAL Teknik Zomin Cement and Lime"
manufactures and sells the following construction products

Cement PC400

Portland cement of the M400 brand is one of the most demanded building materials. This versatile mixture, supplied in the form of a dry powder, has found wide application in private and industrial construction. Reacting with water, cement forms a plastic solution, which after a certain time turns into a solid state and retains its strength for hundreds of years.

Portland cement grade M400 is able to harden not only in air, but also directly in water ... This unique property of the material has significantly expanded the horizons of its application.

What does the M400 mark mean?

The brand of cement determines the grade of ready-mixed concrete during its manufacture in strict accordance with the technical documentation and compliance with technical processes in accordance with GOST. Portland cement grade is a conventional value, which is expressed in numbers (in this case - 400) and indicates the strength of the finished product after aging for 28 days. The number 400 indicates that the compressive strength of this material is at least 400 kg per square centimeter.

The marking of the cement also reflects the presence / absence of modifier additives in the mixture, which change the characteristics of the solution (improve anti-corrosion characteristics, increase the moisture resistance of the mixture, increase the rate of hardening, etc.).

In accordance with the approved standards , Portland cement grade M400 can be produced in pure form (in this case, the “D0” index is indicated on the packaging and in the accompanying documentation), or with special modifying additives (there is an index on the package - D5-D20). The letter "D" indicates the presence of additives in the cement composition, and the numerical designation indicates their amount (D5 - 5% additives, D15 - 15%, etc.).

The main function of modifying additives and plasticizers is to add additional characteristics to the mortar and concrete. This can be increased resistance to the aggressive effects of sea water, an increased number of frost resistance cycles, fast or delayed hardening, etc. The manufacturer can also add technological additives to the cement composition, for example, to facilitate the grinding of Portland cement clinker and gypsum stone, improve the transportation of cement, etc.

In accordance with the rules adopted several years ago, the marking indicates one of two designations:

CEM I - pure Portland cement, without the use of additives;
CEM II is a Portland cement containing additives.
The new standard lacks the concept of a brand, but there is a concept of a strength class. If, according to Soviet standards, the strength of Portland cement was indicated in kg per square centimeter, then according to the new rules it is indicated in megapascals (MPa). The M400 brand corresponds to the designation - 32.5.
Then the subclass follows in the marking: H - normally hardening or B - fast hardening. An example of decoding PC according to the modern designation standard:
CEM II 32.5B - Portland cement with modifying additives, the strength of this type of cement corresponds to the M400 grade, fast hardening.


Portland cement of the M-400 brand is a complex composition of components of mineral origin in an aggregate state. The mixture is dominated by oxides of calcium, magnesium, oxides of aluminum, iron, silicon. The share of mineral components reaches 98%.

Our Cement conforms to state standards 31108-2003 and state standards 10178-85

Compressive strength (after 28 days) - not less than 39,2 MPa;

The beginning (time) of setting - at least 60 minutes, strength (up to 98%) is achieved at the end of 28 days;

Loose density - 1000-1200 kg per cubic meter;

Uniformity of volume change - no more than 10 mm;

Frost resistance - operating temperature range -60 - +300 degrees, 70 complete freeze / thaw cycles;

The water resistance of cement that has fully gained strength is high;

Shelf life in sealed packaging is up to one year.


Portland cement M400 is used with great success for the manufacture of various reinforced concrete structures. Due to its high resistance to low temperatures and high humidity, the material is suitable for the construction of underground facilities. Products based on M400 cement meet all the requirements, are characterized by high strength and stability.

The scope of application of Portland cement in construction is very extensive: from mixing plaster based on sand to heavy concreting of critical loaded structures. Cement of the 400th grade is indispensable for performing general construction work, today it is used to solve a wide range of tasks:

preparation of standard masonry mortar;
foundations concreting;
manufacturing of construction and finishing materials (paving slabs, expanded clay concrete blocks, etc.);
manufacturing of load-bearing elements with increased density;
production of floor slabs;
construction of bridges and other supporting structures;
production of reinforced concrete products - curbs, prefabricated blocks, monolithic concrete boxes;
during the construction of structures operating in high humidity conditions;
for the construction of pile foundations, etc.

Rates of cement consumption M400

To select the optimal ratio (composition) of concrete, it is necessary to determine the water-cement ratio, that is, the proportion of water and cement. Crushed stone and sand should also be used in a specific proportion. Only with strict adherence to the technology can concrete of the required strength and characteristics be obtained.

To prepare one cubic meter of high-quality concrete of the popular M200 brand, 500 kg (10 standard bags) of M400 cement are needed. To prepare a cubic meter of M100 grade solution, the consumption of M400 cement will be about 300-325 kg. Consumption of cement grade M400 for a screed is 575 kg per cubic meter.

Chemıcal Requırements Standards Test Results (%) Physıcal Requırements Standards Test Results
Loss on ignition 5,7 Specific gravity g/cm3 3,15
SO3 1,0-3.5 2,60 Setting time (min) Initial Min / 45 114
Cl Max / 0.01 0,003 Final Max / 200 174
Addive Max / 20,0 10,5 Soundness (Le Chatelier) mm Max / 10 3
Others Max / 1 0 Fineness Specific surface (Blaine) cm2/g 3450
MgO Max / 5 1,2 Residue on 0.09 mm.sieve % 4,5
Residue on 0.045 mm.sieve % 18,2
Compressive str. MPa
Days Standard GOST 10178-85 (Mpa) Result (Mpa)
1 9,5
2 18,0
7 29,0
28 Min / 39,2 39,5
This report is just for the analysed samples. It can not be reproduced without laboratory permission.

Portland cement CEM IIA - I 32.5N

Portland cement with limestone, in terms of compressive strength at the age of 28 days, belongs to the class 32.5, normally hardening.

Portland cement of the CEM II / A type - I 32.5N is a binder obtained by joint thin grinding clinker with gypsum dihydrate, introduced in the amount of 1.0-5.0% and limestone, introduced in the amount of 6-20%.


* For the manufacture of high-strength prefabricated conventional and prestressed reinforced concrete structures;

* For monolithic reinforced concrete structures;

* When carrying out emergency repair and restoration work due to the high initial strength of concrete;

* For plaster and masonry mortars;

* In the production of concrete works with quick demoulding and for winter concrete works by the "Thermos" method with the use of additional heating (steaming, electric heating).

Chemıcal Requırements Standards Test Results (%) Physıcal Requırements Standards Test Results
Loss on ignition 5,7 Specific gravity g/cm3 3,15
SO3 1,0-3.5 2,60 Setting time (min) Initial Min / 45 114
Cl Max / 0.01 0,003 Final Max / 200 174
Addive Max / 20,0 10,5 Soundness (Le Chatelier) mm Max / 10 3
Others Max / 1 0 Fineness Specific surface (Blaine) cm2/g 3450
MgO Max / 5 1,2 Residue on 0.09 mm.sieve % 4,5
Residue on 0.045 mm.sieve % 18,2
Compressive str. MPa
Days Standard GOST 10178-85 (Mpa) Result (Mpa)
1 9,5
2 18,0
7 29,0
28 Min / 39,2 39,5
This report is just for the analysed samples. It can not be reproduced without laboratory permission.

Technology of cement production.

Cement is not a natural material. Its production is a costly and energy-intensive process, but the result is worth it – at the end of the production one of the most popular building materials is produced, which is used both independently and as a component of other building materials (for example, concrete and reinforced concrete). Cement factories, as a rule, are right at the site of extraction of raw materials for the production of cement.

The production of cement includes two stages: the first is the production of clinker, the second one is the finishing of clinker to a powdery state with the addition of gypsum or other additives. The first stage is the most expensive, it accounts for 70% of the prime cost of cement. And it happens as follows: the first stage is the extraction of raw materials. The development of limestone deposits is usually carried out by demolition, that is, part of the mountain is “demolished down”, that is revealing a layer of yellowish-green limestone that is used for the production of cement. This layer is usually at a depth of 10 m (up to this depth it occurs for four times), and reaches a thickness of 0.7 m. Then this material is sent along the conveyor for grinding to pieces equal to 10 cm in diameter. After that, limestone is dried, and starts the process of grinding and mixing it with other components. Further, this raw mixture is subjected to burning. So the clinker is produced like this. The second stage also consists of several stages. These: clinker crushing, drying of mineral additives, crushing of gypsum stone, clinker milling together with gypsum and active mineral additives. However, there must be considered that the raw material is not always the same, and the physical and technical characteristics (such as strength, humidity, etc.) of raw materials are different. Therefore, for each type of raw material was developed its own production method. In addition, it helps to ensure a good connatural of grinding and complete mixing of the components. In the cement industry, three methods of production are used, based on various technological methods of preparing raw materials: wet, dry and combined.

Wet production method is used in the manufacture of cement from chalk (carbonate component), clay (silicate component) and iron-containing additives (converter slurry, ferruginous product, pyritic cinder). The moisture content of the clay should not exceed 20%, and the humidity of the chalk is 29%. Why this method is called “wet” is because the grinding of the raw mix is accomplished out in water medium, the output is feed stock in the form of water slurry - a sludge with a moisture content of 30-50%. Then the sludge goes through the kiln for burning, the diameter of which reaches 7 m, and the length - 200 m and more. During burning, carbon dioxide is released from the raw material. After that, the clinker balls, which are formed at the outlet of the kiln, are ground into a fine powder, which is the cement.

The dry way of production is that the raw materials are dried before grinding or in its process. And raw materials come out in the form of a finely divided dry powder.

Combined method, as the name implies its meaning, involves the use of both a dry and wet method. The combined method has two varieties. The first one assumes that the raw mix is prepared by a wet method in the form of a slurry, then it is dewatered on filters to a moisture content of 16-18% and sent to a burning kiln in the form of a semi-dry mass. The second option of preparation is directly opposite to the first: first, a dry method is used to make the raw mix, and then, adding 10-14% of water, granulated, the size of the granules is 10-15 mm and fed for burning.

For each method, a certain type of equipment and a strictly defined sequence of operations are used. Then the cement is packed into paper bags of 50 kg. Shipment is made by vehicles or by rail road. Without cement, not a single construction is accomplished, and this is the best indicator of its high performance characteristics.

Technology of lime production.

More than 3 thousand years ago in order to bind stones during the construction began to use binders. Ones of the very first were gypsum and lime. The lime, originally obtained during burning, was crushed in the form of clods by quenching it with water.

In ancient Rome, the needs of construction equipment caused wide production of lime to use in masonry and plaster solutions. At the beginning of XVIII century a new valuable building binder hydrated lime was obtained. Hydrate lime was begun to use for laying foundations of the building, underground and hydraulic structures. This led to an even more significant expansion of lime production.

Unexpected lime (burnt lime) is an air lime after it is burned in the kiln. The ground lime is obtained by grinding in a mill of quicklime together with metallurgical and fuel slags, quartz sand, ash and other mineral additives.

Slaked lime is obtained by the action of a certain amount of water on the burnt air lime, as a result of which a product is formed in the form of powder (powder lime), calcareous dough or lime milk.

Powder lime is the finest powder that can be obtained if during quenching used only water that is necessary to complete the hydration reaction (water connections). When the air lime is quenched the volume of the powder lime grows 2-3.5 times. The heat released during hydration of CaO causes intense vaporization. The resulting vapor loosens the lime, turning it into a fine powder with a particle size of about 6 microns (μ).

Due to the evaporation of moisture to obtain a powder lime is required significantly larger amount of water than required in accordance with the chemical reaction. Thus, when lime is quenched in powder lime in the open air of water, it is necessary to take not 32 13% of the weight of CaO, but 70%.

However, too much water is also undesirable, since the heat released during the reaction will not be enough to turn it into steam and some of the water will remain in the powder lime worsening its quality. Lime dough is obtained when quenching air lime water is introduced in an amount exceeding the theoretical required by a factor of ten. On average, take 2.5 liters of water per 1 kg of lime is taken. The amount of Ca (OH) 2 is less in this case than when it is quenched in a powder lime.

Lime milk is formed by introducing an amount of water that is more than ten times more than theoretically necessary. The average particle size when quenched in lime milk is equal to one micron. With further increase in the amount of water, the quenching product is called lime water.

Limestones were formed mainly from the remains of living organisms that lived in seawater millions of years ago. Accumulations of skeletons, shells, clivvies, which included calcium carbonate, formed limestone silt, which, under the influence of the huge pressure of the column of water and overlying layers, was condensed. The more time has passed since the formation of such clusters, the more dense is limestone.

Some part of the limestones were formed chemically due to the transition of a bicarbonate calcium salt soluble in water into insoluble carbon dioxide (chemical limestones). In nature there are limestones of the most diverse color: white, gray, yellow, greenish, brown, reddish, black and variegated. The color of limestone is determined by impurities. The yellowish, brown, red and brown limestone is determined by the presence of iron and manganese oxides; gray and black color are caused by impurities of bituminous resins and carbonaceous substances; greenish is associated with the presence of ferrous compounds in the limestone.

Limestones with a matte surface have an increased content of magnesium, and with a crystalline luster - an increased content of silicon. The smell of limestone indicates a significant content of organic remains in it. All limestones are classified according to two characteristics: in structure, that is, in the structure of the material, and in chemical composition. The following types of limestones are distinguished in structure: granular crystal limestone, or marble; dense limestone; loose limestone; chalk; limestone tuff; limestone-shell rock. Marble is mainly used as a finishing material. Some varieties of marble of Kola Peninsula, as well as marble waste (marble crumb of the Karadag quarries in Azerbaijan, etc.) are used for burning the lime. Dense limestone has a fine-grained structure. Such limestones were formed by chemical deposition or under conditions of a calm state of water at some distance from the coast, where only the tiniest particles were deposited.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the volume of lime mortar in industrial construction has gradually decreased. Lime solutions are successfully replaced from construction practice by such effective binders as high-strength and water-resistant Portland cement, a rapidly hardening and cheaper building gypsum. However, the need for lime continues to increase. This is due to the fact that lime is widely used as the main component of numerous technological processes.

In the construction materials industry lime is used in large quantities in the production of silicate bricks and silicate concrete products. In a continuously increasing volume, lime is consumed by the metallurgical and chemical industries. A large amount of lime is used in the production of sugar, paper, cellulose, bitumen, disinfectants. In the development of lime production technology, the following stages can be noted. At the first stage, which lasted in a number of countries before the beginning of the 20th century, the technology of burnng lime was very primitive.

Collected or mined in the quarry manually pieces of limestone were subjected to natural drying in heaps with subsequent burning in floor or chamber kilns. The floor kiln is a pile of alternating layers of coal and limestone. Outside, the pile is covered with large chunks of limestone and coated with clay. Under the heap they arrange a hearth in which they put firewood.

The floor kilns were often built in such a way that the limestone wall served them as the three walls, and the fourth (facade) was laid out of pieces of limestone on a clay or limy mortar. The time of burning of limestone in the floor kiln lasted up to two weeks. The kiln was unloaded manually and the products were subjected to a thorough manual sorting, as the rejection ("unburnt" lime) reached up to 35% of the total amount of lime in the floor kiln. The fuel consumption, thus, reached up to 800 kg. Due to the use of heavy manual labor, the cost of production was high.